
Next chapter starting, previous chapter is still going strong!  

Ahhhhhh, the big moment I’ve been waiting for the last two and a half decades: RETIREMENT! No, not from music, but from my ‘other’ career as a law enforcement officer since 2000 in New York City. I now say goodbye and good riddance to New York and start my full time musician career, wherever that shall take me. Keep an eye out for everything Twisted Halo, which includes Decadence 80s band. We aren’t going anywhere and will be playing select shows starting next month so don’t listen to rumors of the bands…

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I’m loving life being exactly who I am!!!! 

Ahhhhh, the spoils of enjoying what I’m doing with my life. What a blessing that is. I have my family, my home, my safety and security, my support system and all of you are cherished! You all help me to make a better me each and every day. 

Really loving my new Knaggs SSC, thank you Anthony from Eastchester Music, the #1 Knaggs dealer in the world. I appreciate you immensely and value our friendship. The guitar is playing wonderfully. The Fractal FM3 is really exceeding expectations and more than getting the…

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“They will never be more than they are”!  

“They will never be more than they are” is a quote from a guy named Robert. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of him. I want to explore the duality of its meaning with all of you, because it is important. 

On its surface, if someone said this to you, you may be insulted. ‘Who does this person think he is’ kind of insult. But REALLY think about it. Is this a bad thing? Who are you? Who am I? Do you like who you are? Do you crave more out of life? Are you happy with your station in the world? As a person? As a…

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Gigs coming up!!!  

The usual haunts, playing the Orange Lantern, the Lakeside and Rhodes Tavern with my band Decadence in the next 2 weeks. Busy busy busy!! Busy is a good thing. Keep playing guitar, keep making the shows better however we can, learning what works. It is a great thing. We also have a few duo gigs coming up in the next couple of months and I look forward to expanding and refining that as well. Right now, those are my 2 bands and acts I’m playing with that I am a part of. There are no others as I have nothing…

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So……what happened to Rock Kandy???  

A lot of people have asked about that band in the last few months. Here’s the deal, just so there is no misunderstanding. I was in that band for one reason: my wife wanted to do it and I wanted to be in a band with her. I took the gig, had as much fun with it as I could and it had long run its course. The band had a farewell gig back in December and as far as I know and was told, any dates after that had been cancelled and we were done. I have yet to hear from anyone in that bands management and honestly…

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Gigs, gigs gigs! 

Hello, everyone! Summer is turning out to be busier than it has in a long time for me. Playing with Rock Kandy as well as Glenn Roberts has been keeping me insanely busy! Good gig down in Atlantic City with Glenn last night and a full weekend with Rock Kandy is keeping my playing sharp, indeed. I’m really immersing myself in the country guitar style more and more. It feels natural to me (although while I’m learning it isn’t always sounding natural). I’m taking some online lessons with Guthrie Trapp, an…

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Glenn Roberts and the Cranky Up Country Band!  

Had a GREAT gig on a big stage down in Atlantic City yesterday. It was so much fun! Glenn is super professional and keeps me on my toes playing guitar. It's a pleasure to be able to play guitar with him.  We had perfect weather and the event was generally well attended. I find the country genre a little challenging and hope to get even better at it. Tonite will be The Mason Jar with Rock Kandy. See you there!! 

New blog on old page  

Hello to whoever may be reading this. You likely landed on my page either because you know me or know OF me. I've made some recent changes in my life for the better. It is now 2022 and I believe social media has really outlived its usefulness and is doing damage to the world. I have deleted my facebook, instagram and twitter accounts and after a week I couldn't be happier for it. There is a serious addictive factor to these sites and it took up too much of my time and attention. I do not have the…

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