I’m loving life being exactly who I am!!!!

Ahhhhh, the spoils of enjoying what I’m doing with my life. What a blessing that is. I have my family, my home, my safety and security, my support system and all of you are cherished! You all help me to…

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“They will never be more than they are”!

“They will never be more than they are” is a quote from a guy named Robert. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of him. I want to explore the duality of its meaning with all of you, because it is…

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Gigs coming up!!!

The usual haunts, playing the Orange Lantern, the Lakeside and Rhodes Tavern with my band Decadence in the next 2 weeks. Busy busy busy!! Busy is a good thing. Keep playing guitar, keep making the shows better however we can…

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So……what happened to Rock Kandy???

A lot of people have asked about that band in the last few months. Here’s the deal, just so there is no misunderstanding. I was in that band for one reason: my wife wanted to do it and I wanted…

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Gigs, gigs gigs!

Hello, everyone! Summer is turning out to be busier than it has in a long time for me. Playing with Rock Kandy as well as Glenn Roberts has been keeping me insanely busy! Good gig down in Atlantic City with…

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New blog on old page

Hello to whoever may be reading this. You likely landed on my page either because you know me or know OF me. I've made some recent changes in my life for the better. It is now 2022 and I believe…

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